If you would like to contribute a review, please contact me at: noellegmclaughlin@gmail.com
Contributors fall under one of two categories: Guest Contributors and Regular Contributors
Guest Contributors
Anyone can submit a review for a guest post. If you have written something about a particular work you love, or have a perspective to add to something that has already been reviewed---this is your route. \
Regular Contributors
Regular contributors are writers who will take on regular co-authorship of the blog. At this point, this is by invite only but if you regularly guest post or are interested being a regular contributor you can let me know. I won't know who is willing to be an official part of this project until they tell me!
Be honest and respectful.
This blog was created as a forum for thought and discussion, but at the end of the day it's meant to be fun and promote the arts. These three categories have a tendency to attract as much negativity as they do positive experience. I want people to be able to express there opinions without denigrating people who have different opinions. I'm a big advocate of honest review but I won't consider any contributions that bash fellow authors or artists.
Humor and honesty are more than welcome, but please do it in a balanced and fair way. For example, "Michael Bay movies tend to be about the action and lack a story line which I'm not impressed with" is okay, "Michael Bay sucks!" is not. You might also consider adding some perspective such as "Michael Bay movies tend to be popular among the average movie goer and he certainly knows his special effects!"
Most popular art forms are polarizing. It's just as trendy (and bandwagon-y) to bash a popular work as it is to defend it to its death. Please have fair reasoning behind your opinions and try not to write against an individual's character (after all you don't know them personally).
Keep the length reasonable.
Keep the length reasonable. I admit my own posts are pretty long, and there is no set "limit" on the length of your review, but keep in mind that readers tend to shy away form lengthy ranting. Also keep in mind that I have to read every review before posting it and I might put it off if I know it's going to take me awhile to get through.
Send author information.
I want to know who my contributors are! Please provide basic info like your name, where you are from, if you have any degrees/experience, and your occupation. It's good to know your writers!