"I absolutely love the arts. While this love extends to most every area, I'm best versed in books, movies, and music. Since graduating college I've had a lot of free time for reading, watching movies and discovering new music. Every time I finish a book or album I have the urge to write how I feel about it and see what other people think about it. I was getting tired of clogging my regular blog with reviews so I decided it was time for a side project. That is when the Currur Bell Reviews blog was born. At this point it is a solo project. I'm using it as an outlet to get my thoughts down. However, eventually I would like it to be a larger community project with multiple writers contributing to the review process. That's my dream long term. For now, it's just me. Feel free to add your comments to the reviews or submit reviews of your own."
- Noelle
Noelle McLaughlin, B.A. in Humanities from Houghton College 10'
Current locaton: Buffalo, NY
Occupation(s): Legal assistant, wife, blogger, & lover of the arts.
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